Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Vegetable Bean soup with Spinach and Herbed Focaccia

Tonight's dinner will be this Vegetable Bean Soup with Homemade Herbed Focaccia

Breakdown for the soup:
Celery $0.21
Onion $0.19
Garlic $0.05
Chicken Broth ~Homemade broth from chicken earlier in the week so free~
Beans $1 (I buy dried beans, cook them and freeze them for meals later on in the month)
Tomatoes ~Free from garden~
Assorted Herbs and seasonings $0.20
Spinach $0.85 ( I bought the frozen chopped spinach instead of fresh since I am just putting it in a soup to wilt anyways)

Total for soup: $2.94 or $0.49 per person.

Breakdown for the focaccia:
Olive oil $0.20
Pizza dough $1.75
Italian seasoning $0.10
Tomatoes ~Free from garden~
Salt and Pepper $0.05

Total for focaccia: $2.10 or $0.35 per person

Total for meal  $5.04 or $0.84 per person

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