Saturday, October 27, 2012

Feeding 7 on $400 a month ~Octobers Final Numbers~

Well the month is over and the results are in! Since we get paid on Monday our November budget starts a few days before the end of the calender month. Meaning we are done with October and ready to tally up the totals! 

Week one $66.83
Week two $99.03
Week three $85.02
Week four $124.66

Total for the month of October: $375.54

Shew! That was a lot of calculating prices for every meal! I did find it pretty informative, at least for me. I will not be continuing the cost breakdown for every meal for the next month. Instead November will be focused on trying out a diet change we are considering. I found a great book with tons of ideas and recipes for helping me stabilize my insulin levels. The month of November will be focused on how the program is working and trials and successes I face trying to feed my entire family these new recipes.

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