Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Cleaning the kitchen day!

 It is snowing like crazy outside today so what better day to spring clean my kitchen cabinets! Also known as the day you pull everything you own out and then stand there in horror and wonder how you have not been nominated for the show Hoarders. I am more than slightly horrified by the below pictures....but I am trying to be honest and motivating to everyone out there in here you go!

Tupperware cabinet before and after. Big change since we are getting rid of all plastic storage containers this month.

 Pots and pans cabinet before and after
 More pots and pans before and after. I am also in the process of moving from nonstick pans to stainless steel ones. I still need to buy a big skillet and griddle then I think we can make the switch to 100% stainless steel:
The cups cabinet before and after. Some of the sippy cups and glasses we are keeping are in the dishwasher:
 The spinning cabinet next to the stove. The first pic is only half open because it was so stuffed with stuff that that was as far as it would open!

 Under the kitchen sink.. I used an oatmeal container to contain the grocery bag mess. I also found while I was under there that I am out of garbage bags...perfect timing!:

 Upper cabinet #1 above the peninsula:

Upper cabinet #2 above the peninsula:

Upper cabinet #3 above the peninsula:

Just for fun here are the massive amounts of pencils I found while cleaning out the cabinets....if one more child tells me they can't find a pencil I will not be responsible for my actions!

 Cabinet above the stove:

 And all the stuff I pulled out of my cabinets that will never be going back in. I now need to sort through it all and decide what I will be selling, donating, or just plain throwing away.

1 comments on "Spring Cleaning the kitchen day! "

Kelley on March 25, 2013 at 12:08 PM said...

Wow lady you have been busy! I cleaned out my fridge today. :) I'm so used to moving every 2 years that since we are staying I decided I needed to tackle it to get rid of anything expired. I think I'll go clean out some of my tupperware too!


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