Next up in our spring cleaning month is my 6yr old daughters closet. This also happens to be our toy storage for the entire house so it gets a bit overwhelming. As you can see it has it's issues. Number one would be the GIANT tote in the bottom of the closet. This pic is deceptive....that tote is seriously big enough I can get in it and sit with my feet straight out in front of me....not that I have done that or anything *Blush* The main problem with the tote is that it is just too deep. Things get lost in the bottom of it all the time and then no one plays with them. Also as you can see my 6yr old used it as a step stool to get to her clothes one to many times and busted the side out of it, making it impossible to close her closet door. As for the empty milk jug in there...well I have no idea on that one. The whole thing is just one giant mess that makes my head hurt to look at.
Here we have the finished clean closet.

Starting at the top.... I removed the outgrown clothes and boxed them up to put in the toddlers closet with the rest of the clothes storage. I replaced the outgrown clothes with our blanket storage. The big white drawer system up there is full of legos....my children lost their lego privileges a while ago and have yet to earn them back. Next up I filled the hanging organizer with their stuffed animals and baby dolls. So much easier to store them there then in the baskets under their beds. Down on the bottom I put the used shelving system I got from my friend (part of our No New Stuff in 2013 project) and filled the top two rows with little toys and the giant bottom bin with their big duplo blocks. Which made my son VERY happy as they had previously been scattered everywhere. Then I found an unused tote from our backyard and filled it full of the big bulky toys like my sons dump trucks and my daughters baby seats.
So much better! Now how long it will stay this way is another matter, but we are working on it!
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