Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No New Stuff Challenge: Fourth Week of March

I have learned a lot about how to handle kids school projects without buying any new "stuff" this month! This week we had to make a diorama for my 6yr old's school project. The diorama had to show her animal in it's natural habitat. I think we did pretty well without buying a thing! This week we also got a letter home from school asking for 12 plastic eggs filled with candy for the same child's class. I was thinking ahead for once and ordered 30 used plastic eggs off of ebay earlier in the month. I got 30 used eggs for $4.75 and didn't even have to blink an eye when I got the letter. I picked up some lifesavers and got them sent off to the school.

Continuing the crafty vein this week we made this really cute paper organizer  which I am in love with! As well as finding ways to recycle some packing peanuts from a package a family member sent for Easter. Who needs to buy craft supplies?!

Next up this week I have been telling my husband for weeks that I would get him some new jeans. He seems to be related to our oldest daughter, also known as our little jean ripper, and has ripped the knees out of his two pairs of jeans. I ran over to the Airmen's Attic and had a look at what they had in stock. I was able to pick up a pair of jeans for hubby and 2 pairs of jeans for our oldest daughter, all for free :)

Total I would have spent this week: $85
Total actually spent: $0 (The plastic Easter Eggs were counted in the totals for our upcoming Easter Post)

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