Monday, December 15, 2008

Homemade Shampoo?

OK, so I still have to do something green this week and I was reading this article about how to make your own shampoo and conditioner. I admit I am a snob when it comes to my hair and face care products, but in the interests of being green and cutting back for my budget I am willing to give it a try. Now just have to find some soap flakes......

Anyone want to try it with me?

1 comments on "Homemade Shampoo?"

bre on December 20, 2008 at 6:00 PM said...

Dans mom used to make shampoo homemade. Apparently she liked it, but he didn't. (I think it was just the thought of it) Hope it works! Is it Fels Naptha that you use for the soap flakes? I used to make my own laundry soap and it worked great.


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