You know all those half empty bottles of salad dressing, or that half a bottle of Thai chili sauce you bought for that ONE recipe and will never use again? Yep all that stuff.
I am doing pretty well with the clean out this week lets see:
*Baby girl finished her antibiotic so that is gone.
*Toast and Jelly for a pre-nap snack cleaned out the two half empty jelly containers.
*1 bottle of Salad dressing (Basil and Parmesan in Olive oil) got dumped into the crockpot on top of some chicken breasts and served for dinner with some fresh tomatoes and parsley.
*1 bottle of Chunky Blue cheese got used to make this super yummy Hot Wings Casserole. My husband is usually not a fan of leftovers and today he said "I can't wait to have the leftovers from dinner last night for lunch. It was really good". Score!
We are getting there! I have plans to use the leftover Sweet Thai Chili sauce to make a pizza later in the week and I am researching ways to use the rest of the items that are not used on a normal basis either this week or next.
I am so glad there are so many resources out there for new recipes and ideas. Without them this would be much harder!
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