Friday, February 28, 2014

Our Curriculum: Gym Class!

Back to our curriculum  overview....I know you were waiting on pins and needles so I will have mercy on you. Here we go.....

Today's curriculum......gym class!

We are very blessed that we live in a very good location for homeschooling. Our current base has over 100 homeschooling families attached to it...that is a lot of kids! One of the advantages is that there are several homeschool classes that are offered by our base. We signed our oldest two daughters up for their gym class and it has been a blessing for getting all that energy out. Plus it is a great way for the girls to meet other kids their age. Doesn't hurt that mama gets to sit back kid free for 2 hours and chat with other like minding moms!

My hyperactive daughter comes out more wound up and hyper then ever. I swear she could do 2 classes in a row no problem. While my 9yr old comes home worn out and very happy that the class is only once a week. Poor thing isn't overly in love with running.

I am looking forward to the spring thaw when we can get out on a daily basis for some activity. Until then our weekly gym class will have to do!

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