Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today's news: 60 pounds lost!

I know I have been doing a lot of talking about our homeschooling these days but I do have other news going on over here as well! Today I hit my 60lb weight loss goal! I still have another 40lbs to go to get to my goal weight but we are getting there!

How have I been doing it? That seems to be the question I get the most often so I thought I would take a second to share. Really there is nothing earth shattering here. I know we all want the quick fix. The "cut out all green beans and you will lose 100lbs in 2 months" diet. I mean wouldn't that be AMAZING?!  Yeah. No that isn't how it works. It takes HARD work, self control, and dedication. It gets boring and dull and you just want to eat that half a pan of brownies in one sitting. One day after the next you have to show up and fight for it. Period. End of story.

The logistics of how I have been losing weight is pretty simple. I use myfitnesspal to track my calories in through my diet. I have a fitbit to track my calories out through exercise. I just take the two numbers and "solve for x" I try to keep a 500-1000 calorie deficit per day. That equals a 1-2 pound loss per week.  It is just simple math.

As for my diet I am a Trim Healthy Mama follower but I am not legalistic when it comes to my meals. I will have, for example, 8g of fat in my E meals and still lose weight. I take more of a broad stroke when it comes to the diet advice. I keep my carbs to a minimum and keep my fat separate.  I also have a Fat Stripping Frappa (FP) for breakfast every morning. It is easy, tastes good, and it is a Fuel Pull so that is a bonus. I have found that I can find lots of yummy recipes that are easy to tweak for THM style eating through Cooking Light.

Speaking of fuel pulls I am contemplating doing a fuel pull week next week. I have pulled some recipes together and am seriously considering it. If I do so I will post my results here for you all.

I hope you all are having as wonderful a day as I am today!

1 comments on "Today's news: 60 pounds lost!"

Kelly L Boots on March 13, 2014 at 1:17 PM said...

Congrats! Your hard work is paying off! You look amazing!


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