Saturday, May 19, 2012

Craft ideas for my business

I have been trying to come up with some ideas on some crafts I could make to sell. I am currently working on a baby/toddler quilt and should be finished in the next day or so. So I am trying to think what to do next and since my brain is in danger of falling out these days I need to write them down where I will be able to find them again ;)

*Baby/toddler quilts
*Baby doll quilts ~made from scraps from the toddler quilts~
*Diaper and wipes "Pocket" bag http://www.make-baby...wipes-case.html
*Fabric covered wipes container
*Cloth wipes
*Hair clips

Okay that is it for now. I am sure I will find something else that I think is cute to add to the list!

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