Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chocolate Granola bars!

I am 38 weeks pregnant and seriously obsessed with chocolate at the moment. Actually it alternates between chocolate and salami, but that is another post ;)

In an effort to be a frugal chocoholic I of course hit up pinterest for new recipes....and hit the motherload of ideas. Seriously there are a ton of chocolate recipes on there, not all however are very frugal.

This one for Chocolate Granola Bars stood out to me as an option and I was willing to give it a try.

Okay they are SERIOUSLY good! Just the right level of crunchy to sweet....I could seriously eat that entire pan if my kids would let me!

I don't have a cost breakdown per bar at this time. There are some pricy ingredients in there (honey, peanut butter, chocolate chips) but they are in such small portions that I am sure they don't break the bank....and are probably a lot healthier for you than chocolate cake ;)

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