Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Preparing for baby: Household items

Now that my freezer meals are in the freezer and ready to go I am on to other "before baby" planning! I am currently planning my dry good storage (dry soup mixes in jars, dry baking mixes, etc) as I plan these items I thought I would catch you all up on the non food items I bought as part of my stock-up.

Life with a on demand nurser in the first three months can be a handful. With this in mind I want to have 3mths of basics on hand before she gets here. Nothing worse then being in the middle of the grocery store with a tiny hungry baby and no where to go sit and nurse.

So in preparation I stocked up some non food essentials while I was at costco. Remember this photo? I talked about the food items that were on the cart but not the non food items. As you can see I stocked up on a lot while I was there!

Here is my 3mth list of must have household items to stock up on before baby:
Body Wash
Contact solution
Razors if you husband needs them
Aftershave if your husband needs it
Toilet paper
Laundry soap
Dryer sheets if you use them (I don't)
Dishwasher soap (both hand and machine)
Pads for pospartum mom's
Disposable diapers (we normally cloth diaper but I find those first few weeks it is nice to use disposables instead)
Baby Wipes
Medications for older children...I stocked up on both infant and children's motrin and since my baby is due right in the middle of cold and flu season I made sure to have plenty of cold medicine for my older children as well. 

Between a stockpile of the above items, a freezer stockpile, and dry storage stockpile (post about this to come soon) you are set on the majority of items you will need for the first three months post baby. All you need to add is fresh fruit and veg, milk, sandwich fixings, eggs, and any special snack items your family loves. That is my kind of post baby shopping!

Did I forget something? Let me know what you like to stock up on before the birth of your babies! 

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