Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Frugal Accomplishments 1/19-1/26

Ready for another week?

Last week we had several no spend days and kept our budgeting software up to date and reconciled with our bank account. I really do not love that part of the process but as long as I get to it every few days it is manageable. I do however love having everything balanced out and a running total of how much is remaining in each category. Better yet is that it is accessible on my phone so I don't have to try and remember what is left in each category when I am on the go.

We celebrated our youngest daughters 2nd birthday! I can't believe how big she is getting. We had a very simple party here at home with a homemade cake and gifts from her siblings and grandparents.

 I sold several items on ebay and got them all shipped out without incident.

I relisted a few things that didn't sell the first time around and those sold this week as well. That is another $240!

I found several items in the garage that had never been opened so I decided to try and return them without a receipt. I first took them to Lowes only to find out they wouldn't take one of the items back because it had been more than 30 days and that the other items didn't come from their store. I decided to drive the extra 10 min to Home Depot to see if the items came from their store. I figured I didn't have anything to lose  but a bit of gas money in the process. I took all three items in and was able to return 2 of the items, including the item Lowes wouldn't accept back. I ended up receiving an in store gift card for $93! I plan to use it this spring to build a picnic table I have been dreaming about for schooling in the backyard and more play sand for the kids sandbox.

While rooting around in the garage I found a tote of winter coats and boots that had been put away in the wrong place during our recent move. Inside I found coats that will work for several of our children if needed. You know the "I can't find my coat" and we have to be out of the house in 10min deal. As well as my winter boots (YAY!) and a pair of boot for our oldest daughter. She was the only one in the house without boots and I kept meaning to go buy her a pair, but since we have had so little snow I kept forgetting. The boots in the box were handme downs from my Aunt's daughter that were too big last year but fit just right this year.

We filled our taxes, which normally wouldn't count as frugal. However we found that our normal tax software raised it's prices because my husband received a promotion this year. We shopped around and dropped the bill from $66 to $20 which made me happy. We may have been able to do it for free on base but my husband's schedule has been very wonky this month and I admit I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to these types of things.

I think that is about it here. I am looking forward to the coming week and closing out January's budget and starting February's. How are things going with you all?

3 comments on "Frugal Accomplishments 1/19-1/26"

Sarah in Maryland on January 28, 2015 at 11:44 AM said...

I just posted about our (not so) frugal week and my own two year old's at home birthday party on my blog :-)

jwhit8791 on January 30, 2015 at 11:04 AM said...

Great job on selling your stuff on ebay! We have a few things up but they aren't going, I need to take the time and get other stuff on there. Too lazy at night, lol!

I just closed out our budget and we had $107 left over, mostly from gas. We haven't been going anywhere this month and it shows! Maybe we could do that again in February. I am going to try to do a pantry challenge so we will see how that goes this month.

Megan is getting so big!!! I can't believe it's been 2 years.

terricheney on February 4, 2015 at 10:48 PM said...

We shopped around for tax filing this year too, and decreased our cost from $65 to $15. I don't know if that is an introductory rate or not but I'll take a $50 savings!


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