Our family was blessed to be chosen to review the sixth grade literature curriculum from Memoria Press. Our oldest daughter has been reading her way through the classics this year so I was very interested to see what this literature curriculum had to offer. Memoria Press was very generous and provided us with their entire sixth grade curriculum! We received four unit packets. Each contained a teachers manual and student study guide.

I allowed our daughter to chose which unit packet she wanted to start with and she chose The Door In The Wall. I assigned three reading assignments per week in an effort to work with her existing school schedule. She was able to read the assigned chapters on her own and then came to work with me to answer the questions in the student study guide.
All of the student assignments follow the same format:
Reading notes - this section discusses any words or people that were important to the reading section.
Vocabulary - A vocabulary word is used in a sentence and the student has to write the meaning of the word.
Comprehension questions - Questions based on the reading. Students must write complete sentences to answer the questions asked.
Quotations - One quote from the reading. The student has to know who said the passage, who they were speaking to, and what the quote means.
Discussion questions - These are questions to answer out loud and discuss in depth.
Enrichment- This section has activities, copy work, research activities, art work, etc.
I loved that the teachers manual has the answers to all of the questions. Some teachers manuals just assume that you have read the book recently enough to remember the answers to the questions being asked. I don't know about you but I don't think I could answer a discussion question based on a book I had not read since I was in high school. We are not going to mention how long ago THAT was! Having the answers in the teachers manual makes life so much easier! We are able to quickly review the answers and complete the days assignments.
This curriculum is no joke. The book was fairly easy for our 11yr old daughter to read and understand the overall concepts. The vocabulary, comprehension, and discussion questions however definitely made her stretch mentally and learn new things. There are mid-terms and final exams provided that review a great deal of the material that has been covered throughout the student assignments. These are not easy tests or assignments.
The Memoria Press website states that they feel "Reading is not a passive activity for pleasure. Reading requires an active, discriminating mind that is challenged to think, compare, and contrast." I would have to say they have definitely followed this train of thought while creating this curriculum.
I would definitely recommend this curriculum to those looking for an in-depth classical approach to literature. We have enjoyed using these materials from Memoria Press and look forward to completing their sixth grade literature program.
Want to know about the other literature grade level packets offered by Memoria Press? Come on over to the schoolhouse review crew link up find out! Memoria Press offered our fellow reviews packets for first through eight grade! Come on over and check them all out!