Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Our dream is to one day have our own small hobby farm. Thanks to our current lifestyle that is not an option at the moment. We move on average once a year. Transporting 6 children, 1 cat, and 1rabbit is enough. We don't need to add livestock to that equation. We however do miss being able to have the farm experiences in our life.

We learned of a local farm that rents out baby chicks to families for two weeks each spring. We were unable to participate last year since we were on our way to Kentucky to live on the family farm for 6mths. This spring however we were ready to go!

The farmer brought us the baby chicks the week before Easter. They were so tiny and adorable.

Our children were in awe of these little peeping balls of fluff.

Of course you know how it goes with children and new animals. The excitement wore off after a few days and then it was Mama taking care of the chickens for the rest of the time they were here. I didn't mind since I found their development over those 2 weeks to be fascinating. While I have been around chickens before I had never gotten to see them develop their feathers and go through that first two weeks of growth. By the time we were ready to give them back to the farmer they were starting to look more like full grown chickens instead of little balls of fluff.

I am hoping that when it is time for the hubby to retire from the military we will be able to get our own chickens. Being able to rent them was such a treat however! I am so glad we had this opportunity! Now if someone would just rent me a few goats...and maybe a cow or two....

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