Monday, July 18, 2016

Mid Year Neurology Appointment

Every six months we take a trip to the neurologist to see how the twins are doing on their epilepsy medications. Five years ago when our oldest daughter was diagnosed as epileptic these appointments terrified me. The thought of her having a seizure during the routine EEG's was enough to keep me up at night worrying. It did not help that she did in fact have have seizures during the EEG's.

 Watching your child go through a seizure is horrible and not something I would ever wish on another parent.  By the time our second child was diagnosed as epileptic I was starting to get a handle on my emotions and able to take the seizures as they came. When our third child was diagnosed I knew that there were medications that would make it stop and that their doctors would do everything in their power to take care of our children.  I am not going to say I am relaxed on the subject but it no longer terrifies me.

Every June we go to the neurologist for a routine EEG and neurological check up. This June we added a fun trip to the pet store before their appointment.


I love watching them interact with each other away from their siblings. The twin bond is really amazing to watch!

After a fun lunch and trip to the pet store we were off to the doctor's office. I love that the children's hospital keeps them together during the entire time they are undergoing testing.

This time we had wonderful news! Lacy's EEG was perfect and she has been seizure free for two years. That means she gets to wean off her medication and attempt to maintain her seizure free status. If she can make it a year off of her medication without a seizure she will no longer be considered epileptic. Her older sister took this journey a year ago with wonderful results. I am still pretty nervous on the subject especially around water but it has to be done at some point.

We are excited to start this new journey towards a seizure free life!

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