Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Our African Unit

We just completed our unit study on Africa. This is usually part where I tell you all of the fun stuff we did, the books we read, and the yummy food we ate.

That isn't happening this time.

You know why? Cause I am tired and needed a break.

In this age of pinterest and fancy homeschool blogs it is so easy to feel like a terrible mother for admitting that you just didn't feel like going all out on something.

There are always people out there having a better day than you.

People who can make dinner, keep the laundry caught up, the house clean, the kids not only alive but in matching perfectly tailored outfits, all while doing 5 hour long special projects for each new subject matter.

That is so not the norm however.

No one can do that 100% of the time.

We all need to take a break and admit to ourselves that we can not do it all.

This week I decided to focus my attention elsewhere.

We completed our school work as outlined in the teachers manual and just left it there. No fancy art projects or peanut soup.


Just the facts Ma'am, just the facts.

You know what? We are all still alive and learned just as much as if we had taken the time to drag out the art supplies.

Don't get me wrong I love doing the special projects and fun themed meals. I fully intend to do more projects as we go through the rest of our unit studies. My point is simply that the projects should be FUN not FORCED.

So there you go! Our African unit in a nutshell.

Did you go full out on your study of Africa? Hit me up and let me know!

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