Monday, February 21, 2011

February's Grocery Totals

It is that time once again where we total up how we did on our grocery budget. This month we used quite a bit less in coupons, but we also bought less groceries total this month.

Total spent on groceries: $200.20
Amount budgeted: $250
Total Remaining: $49.80

Coupons Used: $10.45

Now is also the time of the month when we decide what our next challenge is going to be. What will we challenge ourselves to do in March? I think March will be a savings account challenge.....

March's goal: $500 extra into our savings account for our upcoming overseas move.

1 comments on "February's Grocery Totals"

Bekah on February 21, 2011 at 4:42 AM said...

You need to teach me how to only spend that much in a month!! I spend about $250-$300 per paycheck!!! I am so impressed!! :) I'm not kidding when I say you're "SuperMom"!!!! :)


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