Friday, October 30, 2015

MFW Kindergarten Unit 21

It is time for our My Father's World Kindergarten unit 21! This unit is titled "B is for Butterfly". We have been blessed to be surrounded by butterflies this summer. There is something about living on a farm in the middle of nowhere that attracts all different types of butterflies.

For our craft project this week I found a wooden "paint your own" butterfly magnet kit at walmart. There were only 5 butterflies in the kit and we have 6 children. I was not about to buy a second kit.....oh the fighting over the "extra butterflies" that would have resulted! I instead found a large wooden letter "B" for our son. I figured it was still the letter of the week, and it was the first letter of his name. Win win in my book!

We also took time this week to find real butterflies and learn about the different types surrounding us. I would have LOVED to have planted a butterfly garden. It however was the wrong time of year. I will have to keep this in mind for this Spring. There is something so cheerful about having butterflies around you each day.

I would love to hear how your family studied My Father's World Kindergarten Unit 21 "B is for Butterfly"!

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