Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Field Trip: Lexington Legends Game

Just for the record I am not a baseball fan. Honestly I find the entire sport to be very dull. I however am determined to expose my children to all different sorts of things and experiences. With that in mind I loaded up my children and my mother and headed to a Minor League Lexington Legends game.

We attended on of the Education Days at the ball park. It was one of the only times when the size of our family did not draw any extra attention. We were surrounded by school groups and families of all sizes.

We however got some pretty crummy tickets and found ourselves seated in the outfield. Luckily since we bought our tickets with a group of friends we had some clout. After one of the members of our group complained we received free tickets to another game this year.

Apparently even though I was enthusiastic about the game my children inherited my non-love of the game. We were hot and miserable by the 4th inning. We called it a day at that point and headed to a local fast food restaurant for some much needed air conditioning. Hey at least we got to make some memories and we can now say we have seen a minor league baseball game! We may use our free tickets down the line for a night game when it is cooler and we are able to get better seats.

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