Saturday, November 15, 2014

Biome Units final projects

Now that our Biome unit is finished we are ready to start our final project. We covered a massive amount of information in this unit concerning the Rainforest, Tundra, Grassland, Desert, Marine, and Temperate Forest biomes. I felt like a final review was in order but wanted to make it fun for the girls. We decided to make informational brochures for each of the biomes. The girls went back through their notebooks and gathered facts about each of the biomes and added them to their brochures along with lots of art work.

I can't think of a better way for the girls to review the material covered and refresh their memories. Not one sigh or eye roll this week. I will take that as a massive win!

I hope you have enjoyed reading about our biome units this month and are looking forward to next months new unit study! We are tackling Outer Space in November! Our plan is to cover the planets, constellations, phases of the moon, asteroids and meteorites, and space travel. It should be a very exciting month complete with homemade rockets and oreo cookie moons! We look forward to sharing with you all!

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