Monday, July 19, 2010

Twice a month grocery shopping.

I have blogged before about trying twice a week shopping, but was always hindered by the lack of freezer space. Now that I have my new chest freezer I am giving it a try again! I went to the store on Saturday and *think* I got everything we need for two weeks. My shopping cart was literally overflowing and I looked like a crazy lady trying to maneuver it through the store. Half the time I just gave up and left it parked at the end of aisles while I ran down to get something, it was just to much trouble to push! I don't know if I will ever be able to do once a month shopping just because I won't be able to get two overflowing shopping carts through the store! :)

So here is my partial grocery list for these coming two weeks....
6 Boxes of strudels for Hubby
10 Boxes of waffles for the kiddlets
6 Boxes of cereal
4 cases of Sprites
6 loafs of bread
3 Jars of Peanut butter
2 Packs of Toilet Paper
5 gallons of milk
4 Bags of chips
Plus all the odds and ends needed for dinners

Grand total came to $180.

I normally spend $120-150 per week on groceries so this is a MAJOR improvement. I was walking down the aisle with my little calculator adding everything up as I went to make sure I didn't go over $300, looks like I didn't need to worry ;)

I told my hubby when I had him add his wants to the grocery list that I refused to go back to the store for two weeks and to make sure he got the amounts he felt he needed. So now to stick to my word and not go back.

I will let you all know how it goes as the weeks progress :)

1 comments on "Twice a month grocery shopping."

Sweet Tater on July 19, 2010 at 10:55 AM said...

We do one or two BIG trips, but we have to make several little trips for the perishables. Hubby goes through apples and celery and stuff like that pretty fast, and they don't keep that long, so I can't stock up. And I don't have enough room, not even with two refrigerators for all the milk we drink. LOL Usually, it's about a gallon every day and a half or so, because me and hubby drink a ton, too. Sounds like you did really well! Esp. on the prices! We spend WAY too much on food. Well, I won't say TOO much, but we spend a lot. Groceries are just expensive!


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