I have been doing a lot of research and reading on the subject and a few months ago I decided to give it a go. With my husband deploying, morning sickness, and 5 children to cart with me anytime I left the house I was the poster child for once a month shopping.
Some concepts took some time to wrap my head around, like freezing milk. While others were a no brainer, freezing bread. I did stumble a bit with the fresh veg and fruit. After all banana's won't last a whole month.
For the fresh stuff I have a tiered approach.
The fresh fruit like banana's and berries are for week one
Hardier fruit is for weeks 2 and 3, think apples and other longer shelf life fruits
Then week 4 is canned and frozen stuff. My kids LOVE frozen blueberries and I think actually like this week the best.
The same goes for the veg. I actually have some peppers that have been in my fridge for 2mths and still look great! I do freeze a lot of stuff when I get home from the store. Peppers can be cut into strips and frozen, etc.
We also have a garden where we grow all our herbs, tomatoes, beans, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, etc.
Milk and dairy we freeze. I just started freezing my milk and it is great
Bread we freeze as well. I buy about 15 loafs a month all at once and man do I get the looks! I can't tell you how many people have pointed out that it will all expire in a week. I explain it is going in the freezer and they still carry on about the expiration dates
Meats I do two ways. I either separate out the BIG packs to singles and freeze that way or I go ahead and cook it and then freeze it in meal portions. Just makes my life easier.
Also while I am doing all that meat at once I go ahead and make up massive batches of some stuff that is on my list for the month. Like homemade spaghetti sauce. I will just go ahead and make a quadruple batch and then separate and freeze. Then on spaghetti day I just throw the sauce in the crock for a few hours to warm and all I have to do is boil the pasta. Can't get easier than that!
Meal planning becomes essential with this process I have found. I sit down with an inventory of my pantry and freezers and come up with a game plan for dinners for the entire month at once. I actually think this is easier than doing a meal plan once a week. I have a set structure to my menu planning in that every 5th day is leftovers. Makes my planning so much easier! Here is an example of our meal plan for September.
1 Frozen Pizza’s and thai pizza for mommy
2 Meat loaf and mac & cheese
3 Spaghetti
4 Leftovers
5 Italian chicken
6 Enchilada’s
7 Roast with veg
8 Beef stew
9 leftovers
10 Cheese burger pie
11 Taco’s
12 Chicken stir fry
13 Sandwich
14 Leftovers
15 Spaghetti
16 Taco’s
17 Chicken Fajita’s
18 Sloppy Joes
19 Leftovers
20 Pizza Casserole
21 Sandwich
22 Spaghetti
23 Chicken pot pie
24 Leftovers
25 Roast with veg
26 Beef stew
27 Sandwich
28 Meatloaf w/ mixed veg
29 Leftovers
30 Spaghetti
You probably have noticed the meal plan does not include breakfasts, lunch, or snacks. I am sorry but I am not that advanced in my organization yet. I have a list of staples that I keep on hand based on a predetermined list of meals I know my family will eat through out the month. That way I can just wing it as I go on those meals.
Breakfasts....I am NOT a morning person. I wouldn't eat at all in the mornings if I didn't have to. I also do NOT cook on weekday mornings. Getting 5 kids up, dressed, fed and out of the house for the school run is enough for this crabby morning momma. So all breakfast items have to be pre-made or seriously simple to put together.
*Baked oatmeal Bars
*Homemade (Hmd) pancakes, frozen
*Breakfast cookies
*Fruit smoothies
*Hmd bread
*Cottage cheese
*String cheese
*Jello from a box
*Hmd granola bars
*Hmd Cookies
*Hmd pudding
Drinks...we go through a gallon a day plus milk
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