So I sent the snowball to the CC to pay off the car accident charges so we have a clean slate there again. Nothing left for the FFEF though
Gotta go find DH's title so I can send it to the insurance agent so they can get us our money. DH has found a car he likes for under the amount they are giving us but the guy isn't calling him back so who knows what will happen there.
Also have to order the recordable books and the daddy doll this week so they get here in time for DH's deployment. Budget for books and doll: $50. There are about a million recordable books out there and they are all $13 per book. Adds up fast!
Feeling queasy and light headed the last couple of mornings, but by noon I am back to 100%. Gotta figure out what is going on there as well. There is some thought that I need to start some supplements like B complex and such. Need to look into how much all that will cost cause I am not loving being sick.
******ETA: Okay ordered 2 of the recordable books and got free shipping ($27 total) If I order the daddy doll today I get it for $20. Gonna take a pic of DH this afternoon when he comes home for lunch and get it ordered this afternoon. So I should hit my target!******
*****Daddy doll ordered, $25. Went $2 over my $50 budget*******
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