I don't particularly like baking.....okay I am going to be honest with you I hate it. I am 7 mths pregnant and spending that time in the kitchen baking leaves me with swollen legs, aching feet, and the overwhelming urge to take a nap. So why am I in the kitchen everyday baking up a storm? Because my kids like to eat, they are odd that way, and my youngest two can't have any processed baked goods due to their allergy to milk protein.
For a while we tried just reading the labels on things and buying baked goods that didn't have milk on the label. The result? One of them ended up head to toe hives and the other one ended up with such a bad digestive reaction her bottom was bleeding. Come to find out companies only have to list a ingredient if it is more than a certain % of the ingredients. So a product can have milk in it and not have it on the label. What a crock!
The result is that all the baked goods for the twins have to be made at home. You would think a dozen muffins would last a while right? Wrong, these kids can go through a dozen muffins in one day. One of these days I am going to get smart and make up 5 dozen at a time, but right now I am just too tired to spend that kind of time on my feet.
Anyways I thought I would share some of my kids favorite treats. Yes, they are all dairy free but you can change any listing of soy milk to regular milk. I am not crazy about the banana oat drops and the kids have yet to try them so I will hold off on sharing that recipe.
Here we have a picture of today's baking results:

Apple Muffins
***This recipe can be for any type of sweet muffin you like, just change the puree used. We have made this using applesauce, bananas, apples and carrots, etc. Just make sure you keep the amount the same***
1 1/2c Flour
3/4c. Sugar
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1tsp. Baking Soda
1/2tsp Salt
1 1/2c applesauce
1 egg
1/3c Vegetable Oil
1/4c Plain Soy milk
1 tsp Lemon juice
*Heat oven to 350. Combine all ingredients and pour into muffin pan. Bake 25-30 min.
Homemade "Wheat thins"
***You can make these any flavor you want by changing the plain oatmeal to a flavored one. I used Apple & Blueberry granola and they were a big hit***
3c. uncooked oatmeal
2c. unbleached white flour (or 1c. white and 1c. wheat)
1c. Wheat germ
3Tbsp. sugar
1tsp. Salt
3/4c Vegetable oil
1 c. water
*Heat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients together and roll out on to two cookie sheets. Cut into squares or diamonds using a pizza cutter. Bake for 15min.
Fruity Puree Cookies
***Again you can make these using any fruit puree you want, also I didn't have soy flour so I just replaced it with a equal amount of wheat flour and they worked out great***
3/4c Brown Sugar
3/4c Vegetable oil
1c. Applesauce
1/2tsp salt
1tsp Vanilla
1/2c. Oat bran
1/2c. Wheat Germ
1 1/2c. Wheat flour
1/2c. Soy flour
*Heat oven to 350. Combine sugar and oil and mix till smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and chill for 30min. Make into little balls and place on a greased cookie sheet, flatten slightly with a fork. Bake 12-14 min.
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