Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baby Number 3 in Heaven

Yes we lost another baby. This time I had a missed miscarriage, the baby stopped growing at 5 weeks but my body "forgot" to miscarry until I was almost to the second trimester. I can't even begin to say how hard that was to think that you have almost made it to the safe zone then to have everything ripped out from under you. Yeah it just sucked. Then to top it all off I had a incomplete miscarriage this time around and after 16 days of bleeding they went in and found that some tissue was stuck. Luckily they were able to remove everything without anesthesia and I was able to go home right afterwards.

I made the call today to start the miscarriage testing to try and find out why this is happening. We won't know anything for months since most of the tests have to be done over a period of time or timed just right with my cycle. We are taking the Dr's advice and taking a few months off from the baby making. We hope that by the time we get home from our trip back to the mainland in July all the tests will be in and we can start trying again.

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