So as I stated in my last post I have several resolutions going right now. My first two have to do with $$$ so I figured I would group them together for this post, after all I need to save some money to be able to pay for those resolutions so they might as well be together.
So first things first if I want to be able to save $10,000 and pay off $4,900 in debt all by June on $25,000 a year take home pay with soon to be 5 children as a stay at home mom I am going to need to be creative to say the least! So I thought I would catalog my endeavors so that I am better able to see if they are successful or not.
First item of
business is the grocery budget, after all isn't that where most of us could probably cut? My budget for this month is $400 for 6 method of attack? Well that would be coupons and cheap from scratch cooking :) Here is this weeks breakdown...
Meat: $11.29
Breakfast: $17.64
Lunch & Snacks: $ 22.62
Dairy Items: $30.76
Vegetables: $4.65
Dinner: $6.45
Fruit: $12.17
Cleaning and Paper Products: $16.34
Surcharge: $6.07
Total: $127.99
Coupons: -$8.05
Total out of pocket: $119.94
Total came out a little higher than I would have liked but Dairy should be less next week when the next months
WIC comes in to play.
The next method of attack is trying to find great deals in the local
flyers...this week I found some good deals in the
NEX flyer and in the Target
flyer. This weeks attempts at finding great deals:
Target:*$1 Market Pantry Bread (
Commissary bread is $2.36 per loaf)
NEX:*Palmolive 3/$3*VO5 Shampoo and Conditioner 2/$1.75*Pepsi Family 3/$10 (
commissary cases are $4.64 each)
*Charmin, 24 double rolls $10 (Commissaries cheapest is 9 rolls/4.99)
I will let you all know how this goes I am thinking there will be some bumps in the road while trying to find and get these deals.
Next thing I am looking for is to increase my coupon usage. So first things first is to find more coupons. I have several websites that I like to use and have gotten some great coupons for things I use quite a bit so that helps a bunch.
Coupon websites: place I looked was in the Sunday paper...honestly don't think it was worth the $2. I did find some coupons but not
enough to cover the cost of the paper, the
flyers were nice but I could get them online for free. Don't think the paper will be happening next week! Live and learn ;)